This boarding school with mainly sight and hearing impaired children had no classrooms when we first visited in late 2016. Lessons were held in the open air with children sitting at benches. There was an overcrowded dormitory with inadequate segregation between boys and girls.
With help from another Guernsey Charity, Only Fools and Donkeys, we were able to build one classroom which was completed and handed over to Biharamulo District Council in January 2018.
This seemed to act as a catalyst as six months later the district government, clearly encouraged by our donation, had commenced the building of three further classrooms plus a new dormitory block.

All these buildings are now completed and resourced. Student numbers have increased to over 100 students as compared to 60 in 2016 and are set to expand further with the proposed admission of children with albinism.
The aim now is to provide additional vocational training for the students to help prepare them for adult life. In particular the school is looking to develop skills in tailoring, carpentry and market gardening. There is a need, therefore, for sewing machines, work benches and tools plus gardening tools. Eleanor Foundation will be seeking to support this initiative .
These vulnerable young people are now receiving a much better education in greatly improved surroundings and this will help to provide them with the opportunity to develop their lives in a meaningful and productive way.