We rely on voluntary donations and fundraising events for much of our income.
Donations come from individuals and also from a small number of other charitable organisations with whom we have contact and we are deeply grateful for this support. We are also receiving an increasing number of standing order payments.
We also hold a variety of events on a regular basis and additionally other groups and individuals raise funds for our projects. People have run marathons and taken part in other extreme activities. We even have a craft beer helping to raise funds!

We have had bike rides, music gigs, guided walks, lunches, parties in breweries, picnics, provided bike powered phone charging at festivals, the list goes on.

We are also invited to deliver talks to local organisations not specifically to raise funds but more to broaden the general awareness and understanding of the work we do.
We recognise that in fundraising we are operating in a very crowded space and our policy is to have an innovative and fresh approach and to be absolutely clear as to what we are raising money for.